10 JK 건축사무소 건물/설계작품(Buildings by JK) /09 마스터프랜(Master Planning)(2)
Rahway Town Center Master Plan
Rahway Town Center Master PlanRahway, New Jersey FeaturesRetail: 175,000 s.f.Residential: 375 UnitsHotel: 125 RoomsParking: 1,300 spaces The City of Rahway is in the process of implementing a major downtown revitalization initiative. As a head designer, I led this master planning services for the Rahway Town Center master plan, which would create a new "public square" atmosphere. The plan includ..
2014.09.22 -
Lulu Tower (루루타워, 아부다비)
LuLu Tower, Abu Dhabi, UAETeamed up with SOM, I participated was a TimHaahs team member and provided urban design guidelines for mixed use buildings and blocks for the Lulu Tower, the second tallest building. As a design lead representing TimHaahs, I contributed to the design-related parts such as integration of mixed use buildings, blocks and transit system. 미국의 SOM건축회사와 팀을이뤄 팀하하스의 디자인 팀 리더로 복합..