Master Planning(7)
This Gigantic Solar Hourglass Could Power 1,000 Danish Homes
Gallery: This Gigantic Solar Hourglass Could Power 1,000 Danish HomesEvery year LAGI asks designers everywhere to imagine how renewable energy can exist in harmony with citizens, nature, and the urban environment.What do you get when you combine public art with renewable energy? That’s exactly what the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI)‘s annual design competition seeks to explore. Every year ..
2014.10.08 -
Fort Washington Transit Village (역사권 마스터플랜)
Fort Washington Transit VillageFort Washington, Pennsylvania FeaturesOffice: 46,000 s.f.Retail: 56,000 s.f.Residential: 213 unitsParking: 720 spaces The client’s vision was to create a community of “live, work and play” and a destination place around a transportation hub.Aligned with the vision, I used transit-oriented development (TOD)concept that accommodates housing, entertainment, retail, of..
2014.09.23 -
Rahway Town Center Master Plan
Rahway Town Center Master PlanRahway, New Jersey FeaturesRetail: 175,000 s.f.Residential: 375 UnitsHotel: 125 RoomsParking: 1,300 spaces The City of Rahway is in the process of implementing a major downtown revitalization initiative. As a head designer, I led this master planning services for the Rahway Town Center master plan, which would create a new "public square" atmosphere. The plan includ..
2014.09.22 -
Upper Darby Mixed-Use Residential (미주 펜실바니아 복합주거 건물)
Upper Darby Mixed-Use ResidentialUpper Darby, Pennsylvania FeaturesOffice: 13,000 s.f.Retail: 25,000 s.f.Residential: 340 UnitsParking: 520 spaces Even with the architecturally landscaped community, Upper DarbyTownship wanted to create the icon figure that can represent thetownship. The site is surrounded by beautiful historical buildings and art deco facades and it is surely right place for bot..
2014.09.21 -
Norristown Master Plan, Norristown, PA (노리스타운 마스터 플랜)
Norristown Master Planning- Norristown, PA Key FeaturesRetail: 70,000 s.f.Residential: 518 UnitsOffice: 68,000 s.f.Community Center: 18,000 s.f. Composed of 2 sites across each other, this master planning facilities are to serve the Norristown downtown community as adestination place and “gateway” mixed-use people place. Located within a few blocks to the Norristown Transportation Center,this ma..
2014.09.20 -
Lulu Tower (루루타워, 아부다비)
LuLu Tower, Abu Dhabi, UAETeamed up with SOM, I participated was a TimHaahs team member and provided urban design guidelines for mixed use buildings and blocks for the Lulu Tower, the second tallest building. As a design lead representing TimHaahs, I contributed to the design-related parts such as integration of mixed use buildings, blocks and transit system. 미국의 SOM건축회사와 팀을이뤄 팀하하스의 디자인 팀 리더로 복합..