Urban Planning(2)
CRDA Mixed Use (복합주거_마스터 플랜)
CRDA Mixed UseAtlantic City, New Jersey FeaturesOffice: 1,200 s.f.Retail: 18,000 s.f.Parking: 1,200 spaces The mixed-use structure facilitate ground floor retail that support the existing shopping district, "the walk" and parking space on upper levels with accessory office space. In addition, the structure will also include a number of unique features- solar panels on the roof, edge lighting, co..
2014.09.22 -
Trenton Mixed-Use Enhancement (주상복합 리모델링)
Trenton Mixed-Use EnhancementTrenton, New Jersey FeaturesOffice: 7,500 s.f.Commercial/ Retail: 5,000 s.f.Parking: 540 spaces One of the primary goals for this short-listed competition project is to convert the existing mixed-use facility into an iconic public space that creates a new place to be in Trenton. In order to accomplish this goal, I introduced a “grid enclosed tower” –creating a visual..